Cowboys Don't Ride Unicorns Read online
Page 4
“Mighty pretty fellow we’ve got over in the suite, wouldn’t you say?”
“I’ve seen movie stars that didn’t measure up.”
Danny nodded.
“Like Angelina Jolie.”
He chuckled. Don’t show too much.
“Something about those fellas that rubs you wrong?”
He shrugged. “I wonder what the hell they’re doing at a little out-of-the-way guest ranch in Chico, California, but otherwise I got no opinion.”
“Yep. Kind of wondered that myself.” The sounds of voices approaching the barn brought Danny’s head around. Rand nodded. “Guess we’ll find out.”
Aliki arrived first—of course. “Danny, can I ride too?”
“Of course. You can help me as a trail guide.”
Lani hurried inside, almost as excited, and rushed to show Andy her horse, Star Angel. Though Lani hadn’t ridden even two years yet, she had the natural talent of her older brother, Kai. Rand and Kai had given her Angel for her thirteenth birthday.
Arthur Landsdowne seemed a bit nervous about Andy’s interest in Lani but even more uneasy about the horses. He needed watching. Danny made eye contact with Manolo as he entered the stable and gave a little nod toward Arthur. He got a quick nod back.
Both Nora and Elena had already demonstrated a natural ease with the horses, so he’d chosen two good-natured geldings for them. Rand walked the mounts to the two women and started giving them pointers on seat and leg position.
Laurie and Grove ambled into the stable last. Shit. The combo of skintight jeans and those high, sleek black boots made Laurie’s legs look two miles long. No help for dreaming where Danny wanted to wrap those legs. Just breathe. To make matters worse, Laurie had pulled that gorgeous mane of pinkish hair back tight into a tail, showing off acres of cheekbones beneath a low-crowned black Stetson. Definitely ought to look stupid. Instead it added up to cock-blastoff devastating.
Danny forced his eyes to Grove Chilcott. “Let me show you the horses I’ve chosen for you two.” He walked out the two mares from their stables. “This is Lady.” He nodded at the white quarter horse. “And this is Tramp.” He patted the nose of the black mare.
Laurie stepped forward and slid a hand over Tramp’s nose. “Oh, Tramp, you must have a bad reputation.” He pulled apple slices from his pocket and palmed them to the horse, who happily scarfed them up. He looked toward the back of the stable, and his eyes widened. “And who might that be?”
Danny followed his gaze. “Oh, that’s Star Sight.”
“Yes. Arabian.”
“She’s beautiful. May I ride her?”
“Uh, we usually like to assess a rider’s skills before putting them on a horse as spirited as an Arabian. Why don’t we start with Tramp? She’s got some zip, I promise.”
Laurie pressed a cheek against the sleek black neck. “I meant no disrespect to your zip, Miss Tramp. I’m sure we’ll make a great team.”
Danny swallowed hard. “Okay, everyone, let’s lead the horses out, and we’ll give you all some pointers.”
Twenty minutes later he, Rand, and Manolo had a good idea of the capabilities of each rider. As Danny expected, Arthur appeared both novice and uncomfortable. Rand would ride with him, plus watch Andy to make sure Lani wasn’t pushing him too fast. Nora and Elena appeared to hold their own, but Manolo would keep them in close sight. That left Grove and Laurie with Danny. Grove seemed to have overstated his riding skill, while Laurie might have underplayed his substantially. We’ll see.
On horseback, Laurie looked like some kind of centaur. He sat deep in the saddle, his long legs thrust out Western-style despite the fancy-schmancy boots.
Danny led the party onto the simplest of the trails—mostly flat with few obstacles but still some pretty scenery—his spine tingling from the simple knowledge that Laurie rode right behind him. He’s not looking. Get over yourself.
Aliki trotted up beside him. “Did you bring some food, Danny?”
Behind him Laurie said, “I begged some goodies from Felicia, Aliki. I promise to share.”
“Yes.” Aliki pumped the air. He fell back from riding next to Danny to bounce beside Laurie. “So you decorate stuff?”
“Yes, I do.”
“Like what?”
“Oh, people’s houses. Sometimes offices.”
“Is it fun?”
“Yes, most of the time.”
“When isn’t it fun?”
Danny muttered over his shoulder, “When people ask too many questions.”
Aliki snorted. “Oh, Danny. Don’t mind him. He’s just grumpy today.”
I am? Not good when even Aliki notices.
Laurie’s silky voice said, “No problem. You ask as many questions as you want.”
“You’ll be sooorry.” Danny sang it and Laurie chuckled.
“So where do you live?” Aliki showed no discouragement.
“San Francisco.”
“Oh. Is it nice?”
“Yes. It has a lot of hills and tall buildings and a view of the sea.”
“I’ve been to Disneyland.”
“Well, that’s a bit different but very fun also.”
Enough. “Aliki, aren’t you supposed to be my trail guide? Would you scout out the trail ahead to be sure there aren’t any obstructions?”
“You bet, Danny! See ya.” He started off at a trot.
“Be careful.”
“I will. Promise.” He kicked it up into a canter, a move he’d recently perfected.
The trail widened a bit, and Laurie trotted up next to Danny. “He seems like a great kid.”
“Yes, he’s my boss’s husband’s younger brother. But they adopted him, so he’s my boss’s son.”
“Your boss is Rand?”
“Yep. You’ll meet Kai. He’s in school some days.”
“Kai is—?”
“Rand’s husband.”
“Rand’s gay?”
“Oh yeah. Sorry. Figured you knew that.”
“So that’s why the place came so highly recommended for me and Grove.” He did that ought-to-be-illegal laugh again.
“Oh? Was it?”
“Yeah. There are lots of gay resorts but not as many dude-ranch-type places. Plus we wanted one not too far from home. Grove has to go back to the city for a meeting in a couple days. Then he’ll come back for me.” He looked over his shoulder at Chilcott, who was struggling to stay up with Danny and Laurie. His horse was willing, but Grove kept giving her signals to slow down. Laurie waved. “Right, dear?”
“Uh, yes.” He sounded a little breathless.
Danny raised an eyebrow. “Must admit, I was kind of wondering, uh, how you happened to find us.”
Laurie pressed a long-fingered hand to his chest. “What? We’re not your typical demographic?”
Danny smiled and slowed his horse so Chilcott caught up to them. “Just a quick pointer. Grip the horse with your thighs but not your calves. By tightening your lower legs, you’re telling Lady that she should slow down or turn, so she wants to cooperate, but she’s a little confused. It’s not intuitive, but give it a try. It’ll work better.”
Chilcott’s face showed his natural desire to not be told what to do—and probably to look good in front of Laurie. Still, he sucked it up, nodded, and smiled. “Thanks. I’m pretty rusty.”
“You’re doing well. I’m guessing you probably learned on a different type of saddle.”
“Uh, yeah, I think you’re right.”
A phone buzzed and Laurie frowned, reaching for his pocket.
Grove said, “Don’t answer it.”
“Hell, I’ve got to. Sorry.” He pushed a button on his phone. “This is Laurie.” He listened. “Yes, Carlson, I’m on vacation. I filled out the request months ago and you approved it.” He sighed quietly. Grove looked over at Danny and rolled his eyes. Laurie wiped a hand over his neck
. “I told all the clients I’d be gone and updated June and AC on every detail of every account. I don’t know what else I could do. I haven’t had a vacation since I joined the firm.”
Man, I’m so lucky to work someplace I love.
Laurie leaned over and petted Tramp’s mane like it felt comforting. “Okay. I’ll only be gone a week.” Even Danny could hear the shriek through the phone. “Carlson, dammit, I have over a month accumulated.” This time the sigh was loud. “No, I don’t plan to take the rest of it anytime soon. I’ll see you next week.” He hung up.
Grove growled, “You’ve got to resign from that hellhole.”
“It’s the best firm in the business. If I can just hang in there a little longer, I can establish a reputation, and maybe I’ll have enough clients who might follow me if I go out on my own.”
“You know I’ll bankroll you now.”
“Thank you, dear, but it’s too soon.” He smiled softly, and Danny looked away.
“I disagree.”
“And I sincerely appreciate that. But I’m only twenty-four. Until I can gain ‘boy genius’ status, I need to keep racking up the credits. There are too many second-rate decorators who toil in the fields of obscurity.” He laughed, but it had a bitter edge. “That’s not my bag, baby.” Suddenly Laurie tightened his reins and called, “I want to see what’s ahead.” He coaxed Tramp into a trot and then a canter, and before Danny could even register it, he was in a full-on gallop.
“Shit!” Danny glanced at Grove, who looked worried. Danny frowned. “Should I go after him? He’s pretty sure in the saddle, but he doesn’t know the area.”
“Yes, please. He’s pissed, and he’s got a wicked temper. Plus he’s fond of biting off more than he can chew.”
Danny scrubbed the accompanying image of Laurie’s biting and chewing from his brain and took off after him at speed. Danny rode Star Gazer, a beautiful black Arabian who had lots of speed on Tramp, but Laurie had a head start.
Danny galloped down the path, looking for signs of Tramp ahead. Finally he saw the flick of her tail rounding a corner, and he turned Star Gazer into the rough and ran catty-corner to intercept Laurie. When Danny came up beside Tramp, Laurie rode easily, grinning and obviously having way too much fun. Danny waved him down. “Stop, damn it.”
Laurie gave him a pouty look but slowed Tramp to a trot. “What’s wrong?”
“Just stop.”
Laurie frowned and pulled up Tramp.
Danny waved a hand to the right. “There’s a little stream over there. Let her get a drink.” He walked Star Gazer through the trees to the trickle of water, so precious in drought-ridden California.
Laurie dismounted and dropped his reins, letting Tramp get her own water.
Danny did the same, and as Star Gazer walked to the stream, Danny turned on Laurie. “First, you don’t know this area. Going that fast, you could have hit barbed wire, or for that matter, the highway that comes up fast in a half mile. Second, Tramp isn’t an Arabian. Yes, she’s got some speed, but she’s older and not bred to gallop for that long.”
“I asked to ride the palomino.” He crossed his arms.
“And you may get to if it’s okay with Rand, but you’ve got to respect the horses, and making them pay for your temper isn’t the way to do it.”
Laurie’s eyes widened a bit; then he stared at his boots. “Tramp seems more than willing to run.”
Danny stepped closer. “A quality of horses you should be aware of is that they don’t always act in their own best interests. The same can be said for some humans.” Breathe. “You shouldn’t be riding alone. Period.”
Laurie stepped closer and thrust his pretty face toward Danny. “Okay, simple. You can ride with me.”
“I’ve got work to do.”
“News flash.” Laurie took another step. “I am your work.”
One more step and they’d be nose-to-nose—or lips-to-lips. Danny stared at that mouth like it held the secrets of the universe. What would those lips taste like? Big cowboy in the sky, help me.
“Danny, I found a great spot to stop for snacks!” The hooves of Aliki’s horse scattered leaves and dirt all around them as he powered into the little clearing.
LAURIE STARED at the cute kid, all grin and enthusiasm on his horse. Did he just save me or wreck my life? Definitely saved.
Danny still stared at Laurie like he might kill him—or kiss him. I know which one I vote for—but that’s because I’m stupid. Danny shook his head like he was coming out of deep water. “Great, Aliki. We just stopped for a drink. Give us a second and we’ll follow you.” He hurried over and grabbed his horse’s reins. Without a word, he mounted and set off after Aliki. He never even looked back.
Okay, then. Laurie squatted beside the stream and patted Tramp’s nose as she drank. What am I doing exactly? Why the fuck am I flirting with some straight, hunky cowboy who clearly thinks I’m a freak of nature? Easy. Because I’m a desperate idiot who can’t live without everyone’s admiration.
He sighed, stood, and wiped off the knees of his jeans. Freak was right. He mounted the sweet mare and trotted toward the assembled guests, sitting under some big trees in the field opposite the stream.
Grove sat leaning against a tree trunk, although his butt seemed a little tentative on the hard ground. He gave Laurie a glower.
Laurie pulled the mare up nearby and slid off her back, then tied her so she could graze. He walked over to Grove and squatted in front of him. “Do I detect a certain saddle soreness?”
“Yeah, I suppose that’s pretty funny to John Wayne.”
Laurie plopped on his butt. “Please, darling. The Duke and I bear no resemblance. I’m Annie Oakley or no one.”
“You never told me you could ride so well.” His frown hadn’t let up.
“I told you I could ride. You just didn’t believe me, and I wasn’t the one who asked to go to a dude ranch, remember? It was your idea.”
“Yeah, yeah. I know.”
Grove glanced toward Danny, who stood talking to Rand, the owner. “You seem rather taken with Chris Hemsworth over there.”
“Oh, he’s much better looking than Chris, don’t you think?”
“Fuck, Laurie.”
Laurie grinned. Don’t bait the bear. “I’ve just never met a cowboy before. Besides, he’s straight as the horizon line in Texas, baby.”
“You think? His boss isn’t, and who the hell would guess that?”
“I’ll admit that one took me a little by surprise.” He reached back and unfastened his hair, then shook it out under his hat. Grove always liked his hair, and he had every reason to make Grove happy. Hell, the future of his family depended on it. “But we don’t have to stay here if you don’t like it. I’m fine with going home.”
“Fuck, no. I never get you to myself. I’m just being stupid.”
Laurie leaned over and planted a peck on Grove’s lips. Why can’t I be happy with what I have? He leaned back and looked up at the branches and leaves above him—but his eyes strayed across the clearing to long legs and a world-class ass. Holy crap, what he could do with that butt would light up the night. He grabbed a piece of dry grass from the ground and stuck it between his teeth. Yuck. Just as fast, he spit it out.
The last strains of “Don’t Fence Me In” drifted above the campfire and disappeared into the night sky like the rising sparks.
Surely no one else on earth was singing that song. Too cornball for words. Still, Laurie sighed and patted his stomach as he leaned back against Grove. Hamburgers cooked on the open fire, french fries supplied by Felicia, beans and salad, all served on metal plates—dinner fit for a dude. He sipped the last of the red wine in his metal cup—that detail supplied by Grove to all who wanted it.
Grove took a mouthful of wine and whispered, “Not sure if this cup is reminiscent of the old West or prison, but I’ve gotta say, it’s a first for me.” He drained it.
Laurie snorted. “It’s still good pinot noir.”
“Ready for bed?” Grove’s voice had that little sultriness he liked to get when he was being “sexy.”
Don’t sigh. “Sure. Sounds great. Why don’t I go get ready?”
“I like the sound of that.”
“You stay here and chat so that when I emerge from the bathroom all perfumed and draped in lace, I won’t find you snoring under the covers.” Although in truth, that would be just fine with Laurie—sadly.
“Well, hell, it takes you an hour to primp. A guy gets tired of waiting.”
“I know.” He kissed Grove’s cheek, then stood. “See you in a few minutes.” He waved to all the people around the fire. “Night, everyone. Sleep well. See you in the morning.”
Nora waved back. “Night, beautiful.”
He turned, and his eyes swept the group. Sitting next to Rand, Danny stared pointedly at the ground. Well, hell, he must still be mad at me.
Laurie turned on his heel and sashayed toward the guesthouse. Fuck him. He’s just some two-bit cowboy—with legs like Usain Bolt, eyes like Bradley Cooper, cheekbones that put Johnny Depp to shame, and an ass that should be the subject of poetry.
Sweet shit, I want to fuck him so bad. As if he’d be interested. He sighed. And I shouldn’t be interested.
In their suite he locked himself in the bathroom, filled the tub with hot water laced with bubbles and orange essential oil, then stripped and sank into the hot wet. His fingers played with his floating cock. Better get this baby interested. He stroked gently. It wasn’t that he didn’t like to bottom, but——he didn’t. Occasionally one of his lovers had let him top, but it usually scared the shit out of them, and they either left or never let him screw them again. Being femme suited him in every way—but that way.
And now there was Grove—rich, powerful, and attractive. Most of all he pleased the shit out of Laurie’s mama and promised a way out for his father. His mama had plans. Oh yes, tons of plans, and it was hard to contradict her. But if he and Grove had a future, one of these damned days Laurie had to broach the topping issue. The prospect of being a monogamous bottom did not do it for him. Sorry.