The Scientist and the Supermodel Read online

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  I miss you so bad I hurt. J.

  Chapter Eight

  Not a word. Not a fucking word.

  After his text last night from Cal’s phone, Jake had followed up with a call from his own phone this morning. It went straight to voicemail. Shit. Jake knew Roan was working, but where the fuck was he, Siberia? Maybe he really had screwed the pooch. Maybe Roan just didn’t want to see him again.

  But he wasn’t going to take that. He grabbed his phone and texted again. Please, let me come see you this weekend. Will you be home? Can I come there? Just tell me where. I miss you. J.

  Jesus, he was perverse. He should just be happy that he hadn’t heard from Roan and get on with his life—his life as a heterosexual. Instead, he was frantically trying to reach the man so they could have sex again. Sick. But, God, he missed Roan so much, he actually ached. His cock hurt, and no amount of jacking off was doing the job.

  Time to work and stop obsessing.

  Two hours later, he’d barely moved from the computer and had successfully engrossed himself in sequencing patterns and reports to possible contributors. The buzz of his desk phone startled him.

  He grabbed it. “Martin.”

  “Jake, can you come down to my office? I have a surprise.”

  “Sure, Em.” Surprise? WTF—anything to take his mind off his Kinseyan crisis.

  Em’s office door was closed, unusual in itself, and Jake rapped.

  “Come on in, Jake.”

  He opened the door to Em’s small, cramped office, and a smile split his face. “Jenny!”

  His sister, beaming ear-to-ear, was sitting across from Em at the desk.

  He crossed the miniscule office crowded with books and gave her sturdy frame a hug. Jenny and Sean had inherited their father’s stalwart good looks, while Cal, despite his size, had more of the radiant, refined beauty of their mom. Some said Jake did too. “What are you doing here?”

  Em laughed. “I told you I had a surprise. Two, actually.”

  He sat in the other small chair beside Jenny. “What are you two cooking up?”

  Em nodded at Jenny, who started to explain. “Emmaline and I met at a women’s conference a couple months ago and struck up a friendship. After hearing about your research from both you and Em, I’m thinking that our foundation may well have contributors who’d wish to support it.”

  Jenny was a top executive at a large nonprofit organization that focused on prevention and cures for high-profile diseases. This plan to raise money for Em’s research was an amazing idea, and Jake wished he’d thought of it. After all, it was perfect for her foundation. Their genetic sequencing could help determine the optimum treatments for diseases like cancer. But truthfully, he probably wouldn’t have presumed to approach his sister, no matter how big a wig she was. “That would be phenomenal, Jen. Just tell me how I can help.”

  Em took over. “That’s the other part of the surprise. Your sister is having a big fundraising event a week from Saturday. It will be an incredible opportunity to meet and impress a lot of Jenny’s top contributors. We’d like you to go.”

  “Heck, yes. I’d love to be your escort.” He smiled at Em.

  “Oh, sorry, dear. I won’t be going. That’s the weekend I need to be in Chicago, remember?”

  “Oh, yeah.” Shit, it would have been fun to be with Em.

  Jenny leaned forward enthusiastically. “But trust me, bro, it won’t be hard to get any girl to go to this event. There will be lots of celebrities and great food and dancing. Of course, I don’t think you have much trouble finding girls anyway.” She gave him a little nudge.

  Jake cringed at each word. A date—he was going to need a date, a female date. Not his strong suit lately.

  “Oh and, Jakey, I think I’ve gotten Mom and Dad to agree to go. That’ll be a kick, seeing Dad in a tux.”

  “Oh, it’s black tie?”

  “Sure, this is red carpet all the way.”

  He plastered on a smile. “Looking forward to it.”

  After hugging Jenny good-bye, Jake went back to his desk and picked up the phone. Date. Girl. Laney.

  * * *

  He couldn’t quite believe Laney was talking about Alexander the Great. She’d told him she was doing her dissertation on the great warrior, but apparently she was focusing on his complex relationships with his two wives, many female friends, and his most intense attachment to Hephaestion—his friend, general, and bodyguard, whom many claimed was also the love of his life.

  “There are those who maintain that Alexander was never conquered,” she said, smiling, “except between Hephaestion’s thighs.”

  Jake coughed on his Chardonnay. He’d called and asked if she’d like to have a drink after work on Thursday, with the idea of telling her about the event coming up and asking her to go with him. So far, though, they’d been focusing on the Greeks. Well, Macedonians, actually.

  She ran her fingers through her soft brown hair. She seemed to do that when she was engrossed or excited. She had to raise her voice to be heard over the happy-hour crowd. “There isn’t any definitive historical evidence of a sexual relationship between Alexander and Hephaestion, but of course, if they had one, it wouldn’t have been unusual for the time. Bisexuality was fairly common in Greek culture.”

  Jake cleared his throat. “The Greeks had some unusual social practices, I’m told.” A guy bumped into his hand, spilling a little wine.


  “No problem.” The place was a meat market on Thursdays.

  Laney wasn’t sidetracked. “Yes, actually we think of them as so advanced, but they were pretty misogynistic and—”

  “Actually, Laney, I was wanting to ask you something.”

  She looked a little chagrined. “I’m sorry; I was really running off at the mouth.”

  “Not at all. I think it’s great you’re excited about your subject. I pretty much talk the ear off anyone who’ll listen to me hold forth about genetics.”

  “So what did you want to ask me?”

  “Uh, well, I’ve been invited to a black-tie event next Saturday. It’s a big fundraiser my sister’s charity is holding, and I actually have to go press the flesh with a lot of potential contributors to our research. I wondered if you’d like to go?” He sipped wine, but she didn’t reply, so he hurried on. “My folks will be there too and my sister, of course, so even though I’ll have to spend a lot of time working, you’d still know people and everything.”

  “You mean you can get back at me by making me listen to you go on and on about genetic sequencing?” She laughed.

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Well, I’ve actually got a formal gown I had to buy for a special event that I’ve only worn once, so yeah, it seems like a good chance to get my money’s worth.”

  He looked at her over the tops of his glasses. She was being very witty but also a little acerbic about his invitation. He sipped again.

  “Jake, why aren’t you taking the woman you really want to this event?”

  He flashed a glance at her face and then averted his eyes. “What do you mean?”

  She put a hand on his arm. “After our last date, I had to really take stock. Either I was a lot less desirable than I thought, or you were actually attached to someone else and were just using me as a substitute. Naturally, I chose the latter explanation to save my ego, but the more I think about it, the more I think it’s true.”

  Jake sighed. “It is true. I’m sorry, Laney. I don’t mean to make you a substitute. I really like you and enjoy your company. I just have a limited amount to give right now.”

  “Is it someone you’re trying to get over?”

  “Not exactly. More like someone I just can’t have, but it’s not something I can really talk about.”

  “Ah, the old ‘I can’t really talk about it’ trick, huh?”

  He glanced up. “Sorry.”

  It was her turn to give the appraising look. “Okay, Jake, I’d love to go to your event because I en
joy your company too. Besides, I like celebrities as much as the next person.”

  * * *

  Jake was pretty tired as he walked up to his townhouse. After leaving Laney, he’d gone back to the lab for a while. Now he was bleary-eyed but glad to have gotten the date thing handled. He glanced up as he put the key in the lock. Funny, he didn’t remember leaving a light on inside, but he’d been more than distracted lately.

  Balancing a bunch of papers he wanted to check before work tomorrow, he opened the door, dumped his briefcase and papers on the hall table, tossed his coat on the couch, and headed to the kitchen for some water. Grabbing the glass on the counter—huh, must have left it there this morning—he sipped some water, wondering if it was too late to call Roan. A quick glance at his watch confirmed it was close to midnight. Okay, he’d text before he went to bed.

  Ripping off his tie, Jake headed for the stairs. At the top he stopped, confused. Light was shining into the hall softly. His bathroom light must be on. What the hell? He was semi-OCD about turning off lights. Could he really have left two on this morning? But then, burglars didn’t usually leave lights on.

  Walking softly, he entered his bedroom and stopped, staring. Curled on his side in Jake’s king-size bed, looking like an angel heaven would be proud to claim, was Roan, sound asleep. How in the hell had he gotten here? Jake had never even told Roan where he lived. But oh, he didn’t care as long as he was here.

  Jesus, why did his body react to Roan like a cat to tuna? He wanted to hurl himself on that lean body and kiss him senseless. Instead, he walked quietly into the bathroom, closed the door, took off his clothes, and brushed his teeth. Then he doused the light and, nude and already more than half hard, tiptoed to the other side of the bed and crawled under the covers.

  Sliding up to Roan’s back, he wrapped his arm around his shoulder, put one leg over the sleeping man’s hip, and began kissing the back of his neck. A soft moan from the sleeper was his first reward.

  Pinned by Jake’s leg, Roan turned his head up. “Oh baby, I’ve missed you so much.”

  Jake captured his mouth and lifted his leg enough so that Roan could flip to face him, then he wrapped that leg tight around his hip again, bringing their two erect cocks together without ever breaking the kiss. Jake reached between them and grabbed their cocks in one hand and began to rub as Roan had once done to him.

  Roan reached down and stopped Jake’s hand, pulling his mouth back from the kiss. “Don’t, love.” The boy was panting. “I’m insane for you, and I’ll come in a minute. Put your cock in me, please, now. Fast.”

  That would be a yes. Jake rolled to the side, opened the nightstand drawer, and grabbed a bottle of lube. He reached for a condom, then paused and looked at Roan. “Baby, I’m clean. I’ve been tested.”

  “Oh yes, me too. Please. Let me feel you, hurry.”

  Jake rubbed lube on his own cock. Roan grabbed a pillow and put it under his ass, then stuck his hand out for lube. Jake squirted it, and his lover began pushing it into his own hole. “Come in me frontward, Jake.”

  Roan raised his legs high on either side. Jake grabbed one leg and pushed, raising him higher still, till the slippery opening was shining at him. With his other hand, Jake guided his dripping bare cock to Roan’s ass and shoved it in, hard. “Yes,” he screamed at the top of his lungs.

  “Jake, oh God, Jake, fuck me, just fuck me.”

  He did, ramming the hard shaft as deep as it would go into Roan’s hole, until Jake’s balls were bouncing off that beautiful, hard butt, and then pulling all the way out until they were both tantalized by just the tip hanging in there. He just kept thrusting back in again and again. The agonizing pleasure of being in raw was almost more than Jake could bear.

  To distract himself from the overwhelming sensations, Jake looked at Roan’s face. His lover gazed into his eyes, his mouth open wide with each hard thrust and then tightening into an O as Jake pulled to the tip. Roan loved to talk. “Oh, love, do it to me more. Don’t stop. I can’t live without you in me. It’s so good. Oh, Jake, it’s so good.” His litany of erotic talk poured out, separated by moans and cries that made Jake feel like the sexiest and most powerful man in the world. He held his breath, forcing himself not to come, even though his balls were screaming for release and his dick felt like it was already heavy with juice. He wanted to keep hammering that wonderful erotic monologue from his lover.

  He shifted his angle just a bit, having learned from their day in bed that this position would connect with Roan’s prostate.

  “Oh shit!” Roan threw his head back. “Gonna come, baby, gonna, oh shit, come!”

  Jake slipped his hand between their tightly compressed bodies, grabbed that massive cock, and began to stroke it fanatically. Roan screamed, “Oh God, I love this. Love this so much!” And his body bucked and thrashed in climax as what felt like a quart of cum emptied into Jake’s hand. Jake’s own balls pulled up into his body as heat seared through his spine, stars appeared behind his tightly closed eyes, and he felt the exquisite pleasure of his semen pouring into his lover’s bare ass. Trembling uncontrollably, he kept madly pumping his cock into Roan until he simply couldn’t move again, and he collapsed forward onto his lover’s ripped, gorgeous, and very sticky chest.

  There were about a million things Jake wanted to say, questions he needed to ask, but he was so tired, so satisfied, and so happy to have Roan in his arms, he simply fell asleep.

  * * *

  Roan opened his eyes as a soft voice whispered in his ear, “Don’t get up. I overslept. I have to hurry and get to work.” Then he missed the warmth of Jake against his back and heard sounds in the bathroom. Oh, he would have liked one or two more rounds of the incredible sex they’d had last night. In fact, his morning hard-on was pushing uncomfortably against the sheets, but his lover had to work, and he wanted to make his morning easier.

  He slipped out of bed. Ooh, sticky. He still had dried cum all over his chest. Kind of yuck and kind of yum. He found a pair of Jake’s sweatpants lying over a chair arm—the man was not too neat—made a stop in the guest bathroom to pee and wash up, and headed downstairs for the kitchen. He looked around. Well, it was pretty clear his lover was no gourmet chef. This was going to take creativity.

  By the time Jake walked into the kitchen fifteen minutes later dressed in crisp jeans, a white shirt, and a corduroy sport coat, Roan had made coffee, found enough eggs and a few scraps of cheese to scramble, and was putting peanut butter on toast.

  Jake looked amazed and completely pleased. “You didn’t have to do this. You should have stayed asleep.”

  “Need I remind you that I got more sleep than you, workaholic? Sit down and eat, or you’ll fall asleep at your desk.”

  “Yes, Mother.” Jake grinned from ear to ear.

  Roan grabbed his own plate and coffee and sat across from the place he’d set for Jake. The scene was so domestic, he felt a little shy.

  Between quick bites of egg, Jake said, “I’ve got to know. How did you get here last night? I never told you where I live, did I?”

  Roan sipped and grinned. “You do recall texting me from your brother’s phone?”

  Light dawned on Jake’s face. “Caleb, the informer.”

  “Yep, he couldn’t have been more anxious to tell me how to find your place and where you kept the key. He offered to come pick me up if I needed a ride.”

  “Yeah, well, he is a pretty hopeless fan of yours. That reminds me, I didn’t see a car. Did you take the train? Cab?”

  Roan shrugged. “I have a driver I use sometimes. He brought me.”

  “Man, I honestly forget that you’re a superstar.”

  Jesus. “I’d just as soon you did forget it.”

  Jake glanced at his watch. “Shit, I wish I didn’t have to go.” Grabbing one more sip of coffee, he rose and moved toward the front door. “This was so wonderful. I’ve never felt so spoiled in my life.”

  This guy was easy to spoil. Roan moved up behind Jake, who turned a
nd took him in his arms.

  “I wish we’d had time for sex. Hard to believe after last night, but I am horny as hell.”

  Ah, an opportunity. Roan batted his eyes. “Oh, baby, there’s always time for sex.” In one move, he slipped to his knees in front of his lover, taking Jake’s fly zipper down with him. He reached in, grabbed the man’s already half-hard cock, and had it in his mouth before his lover could protest. Mmm. Vacuum cleaner time.

  Jake’s back was pressed to the front door, and his hips were pumping into Roan’s mouth after the first deep suck. “Shit! Oh baby, yes, yes.”

  It didn’t take long. Both of them were so primed, Roan only had to deep throat that long red rod a few times before Jake was screaming he was going to come. Relentless, Roan sucked the head while his hands did a twister on the big phallus, and then, to his delight, he felt hot, sticky cum hit the back of his throat. He sucked hard, not losing a drop. When he’d drained the man, he pulled back and carefully licked every inch until the cock was clean. Then, with great care, he tucked the now relaxing penis back into Jake’s underwear and closed his fly. He looked up at his still-amazed lover and winked.

  Jake grabbed his shoulders and pulled him up into a fast, bruising kiss, then pulled back. “Will you be here when I get home?”

  “Do you want me to be?”

  “Shit, yes.”

  Roan felt like his heart would explode as he caressed Jake’s cheek. “Where would I go, my love? What I want is here.”

  Jake kissed him on the nose. “I wish I could suck you right now. Or take you upstairs and fuck you till dinnertime.”

  “How about you fuck me at dinnertime?”

  “It’s a promise.” He gave his watch a quick glance. “Damn, gotta go.”

  Jake opened the door and headed for his car in the driveway. Despite the fact he was freezing with his bare chest in the February morning air, Roan watched him go. He gave his best Father Knows Best wave. “Have a nice day, dear.”

  Jake laughed all the way to his car.