The Scientist and the Supermodel Read online

Page 5

  “Yeah, right.”

  “So who was it? Tell me, Jake. You know I’m not gonna tell anyone. C’mon, tell me.”

  Jake sighed. “Okay. Have you ever heard of a model named Roan Black?”

  Dead silence was followed by a soft whisper. “You are shitting me.”


  His voice rose. “Roan Black sucked your cock? The most beautiful man in the world sucked your fucking cock?”


  Caleb fell back on the very crowded bed. “Baby, that doesn’t make you gay, it just means you’re smart.”

  Jake burst out laughing.

  * * *

  “Want to come up for some caramels?”

  “What?” Jake had been drifting a little, and the question took him totally by surprise.

  Laney grinned. “Sorry. It’s my favorite line from Good Will Hunting. Will thinks caramels make about as much sense as coffee for getting together.”

  Jake laughed, not for the first time tonight. Laney was funny, smart, and pretty. What more could a guy ask for? Okay, don’t go there. The list that included green eyes and silky black hair and washboard abs was just too long. Did he want to go up to her place? He wanted to want to.

  “Sure. I love caramels.”

  Inside her small, simple apartment, Jake took off his peacoat and threw it over her couch arm as Laney went into the little kitchenette to make tea. No caramels. He noticed her small dining table was drowning in papers and smiled. Man, he remembered finishing his dissertation. It’d been heaven in a hellish sort of way. He’d loved the work, the research, the discovery and ideas. The hours had been murder. Kind of like now. “Are you working and going to school?” he called to her.

  “Yeah, I’ve got a teaching assistant position.” She brought in the tea and put it on the coffee table. “I babysit to make extra money. That way I can take my laptop and work while the kids are asleep.”

  He sat next to her on the couch. “I know it’s hard to believe, but it will come to an end. You’ll finish it and get your degree and get published. It’ll all be worth it. You gonna teach?”

  “That’s the plan. I want kids, and I think teaching is pretty compatible with raising a family.”

  Ummm, maybe a little TMI. “You thinking of getting married in that plan somewhere?” He grinned and sipped his tea.

  “Oh…sure.” She gave him a shy look. “What about you? You seem pretty work-oriented. Are you planning on having a family?”

  Was he? Did he want kids? He never slowed down enough to think about it. “I haven’t given it much thought. There’s lots of time.”

  “Yeah, I suppose, especially for guys.”

  “What are you? Twenty-two?”


  Same age as Roan. “Seems like you don’t have to start hatching right away.” He laughed.

  “I guess not. You just read about women who wait too long.”

  He glanced at his watch. “Better go soon. Our house is so small, it’s hard to sneak in without waking everybody.”

  “Sure, I understand.”

  Okay, moment of truth. “Maybe we can go out again?”

  He got a big smile for his efforts. “I’d like that.”

  “My schedule’s insane…kind of like yours, I imagine. But I’ll call you, and we’ll see what we can work out.”

  “Great.” She looked at him, and he could practically hear her holding her breath.

  Jake leaned over, slipped his hand behind her head into her soft, brown hair, and pulled her gently toward him. Her lips were a little dry and slightly parted. Trying desperately not to think of full, pink lips like Angelina’s, Jake gently slipped his tongue into her mouth. Her tongue tentatively met his, and he caressed it. She opened a little more and let her tongue tangle more with his. A soft moan escaped her throat.

  Jake pulled back. Shit. He gave her a smile, trying to look appreciative, then stood and took his nearly full teacup into the kitchenette. “So I’ll call you.” He walked the few steps to the front door.

  She looked a little surprised but returned the smile, rose, and handed him his coat. “I’ll look forward to it.”

  He escaped. There was no other word for the way he felt. Trying not to look rushed, he made it down the outside stairs from her apartment to his car and waved back at her, then crawled inside, started the engine, and pulled away much faster than the freezing air would have suggested was wise in his family’s old Taurus. A few blocks away, he pulled over.

  Nothing. Not a tremor, not a wiggle. What the fuck was wrong with him? A pretty girl had been willing to at least make out with him. A nice girl, the kind of girl he should want—and his dick lay as if it were Rip Van Winkle. But one fucking thought about that green-eyed model, sucking him, fucking him, and his damn cock was busting out of his pants. He couldn’t see the guy again. He knew that. It would jeopardize his job, his love for Em, the respect of his family. No, he couldn’t see him again. So why did the thought of never seeing Roan again make him sick to his stomach? Shit! He was not gay.

  Chapter Five

  The cell phone buzzed in Roan’s pocket and then began to chime. He froze while his assistant and agent both stared at him. Few people had this number, so the Chopin ringtone was always a bit of an event. Plus, Roan recognized the distinctive ring he’d programmed just for Jake Martin. His pulse hammered. It had been seven days. Seven long, miserable, heart-ripping, fucking days!

  “Roan, are you going to answer it?” Roan’s assistant, Tick Tock, looked curious and a little concerned. Roan knew he must look stricken. He slowly raised the phone to his ear and pushed Connect. “Hi.”


  “It’s been seven fucking days.”

  “I had to go to my parents, and then I had to work.”

  “You didn’t have a phone?”

  “Roan, you told me to think.”

  “Yeah, and…?”

  “Look…truth. I can’t get comfortable with the gay thing—for me, I mean, not you. And there’s someone I care about…a woman. I can’t have her. In fact, she doesn’t even know I’m lusting after her. It’s pathetic. But wanting you so bad makes me feel unfaithful to her, and that’s why I haven’t…”

  “Say that again.”

  “What? I feel unfaithful?”

  “Before that.”

  Jake sighed. “That I want you so bad?”


  “Are you gonna tell me I’m thinking with my cock again?”

  Roan couldn’t get his voice above a whisper. “I don’t care what you’re thinking with as long as you want me.”

  “Oh God, Roan, I do, so much.”

  “And you know what you want?”

  “My tongue in your mouth so deep you can’t breathe.”

  “What else?”

  “My lips wrapped around your cock and sucking until you come and come.”

  Roan moaned and turned to hide his massive erection from his very interested onlookers. “And what else?”

  He heard Jake swallow. “My cock in your ass. But Roan, you’re gonna have to show me how.”

  “Yeah, baby. I will. How long will it take you to get here?”

  “I’m in the city at the station. I took the train. I hoped…”

  “Shit. That’s too far. Hurry…”




  Roan handed the phone to Tick Tock. “Tell him where I am.”

  The boy looked perplexed. “What?”

  “Here,” Roan almost shouted. Roan never shouted. “Tell him how to get here.” And then he ran up the stairs of his two-story loft and slammed the bedroom door.

  Standing with his back against the door, he could faintly hear Tick Tock talking into his phone. Jake. Oh God, he had to get a grip. Jake cared for someone else. That was bad. Roan slammed a hand against the pain in his chest that felt like he couldn’t breathe. No. No. But he wanted Roan; that would be good enough. Ro
an couldn’t afford to get hung up on a straight guy who just wanted a little walk on the pervy side, no matter how beautiful he was. Just sex would be good. Good enough. It had been a long time since he wanted someone this much. Roan had walked away from Jake in LA, but there was no way he could do it again—no way.

  Walking into his bathroom, he looked in the mirror. Roan never looked in the mirror. He knew just what he looked like from a thousand images looking back at him every day on newsstands, TV, and online. But suddenly he was curious. What did Jake see? Roan knew what he didn’t see—the grimy, frightened kid huddled in a corner of the root cellar, “to humble the pride from him,” his father had said. It took Roan years to realize his father just didn’t believe a child so beautiful could be his son. Beauty? Roan had believed for years he’d been cursed. A father who hated him, a mother who was afraid to love him, lovers who only wanted him for his looks, and absolutely no one who could understand that extraordinary beauty could be as great a burden as ugliness. Roan took a deep breath and smiled at himself, his famous crooked tooth shining. No one had ever made a curse pay quite so well.

  He spit in the sink. Forget this “woe is me” shit. He was more than a survivor; he thrived. And Jake was coming.

  * * *

  Jake got off the elevator and saw the door to the upper loft straight ahead of him. The guy at the desk downstairs had announced him, so Roan knew he was here. Jake’s heart beat so hard, he could hear it drumming in his ears. In a minute he’d see him, maybe touch him. Seven days. Shit, it felt like seven years.

  He knocked. The door was opened immediately by a short, blond young man wearing huge black glasses and several prominently displayed watches grouped on his skinny arms. The guy thrust out a hand. “Hi, Jake. I’m Tick Tock, Roan’s assistant.”

  “Uh…hi.” Jake took the offered hand and got a firmer shake than he might have predicted. “Tick Tock, is it?”

  “Yep, I keep the man on time.” Tick Tock waved him inside. “C’mon in; we’re all anxious to see you.”

  Jake hesitated. “All?”

  Tick Tock took his arm and pulled him inside, then closed the door. “Well, Roan, of course, and Roan’s agent, Angie, and me.”

  “Tick Tock, stop teasing the man.”

  The voice actually tingled up his spine. Jake looked across what he was vaguely aware was a large open room with polished wood floors, Middle Eastern rugs, and ultramodern furniture, but he couldn’t really see anything except the man standing beside a polished open staircase.

  A woman’s hand was stuck in front of him. “Hi, I’m Angie, Roan’s agent.” He took it and shook it, but he didn’t really see the woman. His eyes were too full.

  He covered the distance to Roan and stared into his face. His hands came up as if to touch him, but then he remembered they had an audience, and he let his hands drop to his sides.

  Roan got it. “Hey, guys, could you give us a minute?”

  The woman giggled. “Sure, Roan.” And she pulled Tick Tock out of the room.

  Some part of Jake’s mind wondered where they could go, since this was an open, loft-style apartment, but he didn’t care as long as they were gone. He cradled Roan’s face in his hands without taking a breath. Shit, yes, this was what he came for. Gazing into the green eyes, he said, “Okay?”

  “Oh yeah.”

  Jake closed his mouth over those soft, full lips. It was so amazing to kiss someone who was nearly as tall as he was, someone whose back was hard, lean muscle and whose arms surrounded him with strength as great as his own. Amazing and wonderful. He tried to control his breathing, though his dick was like steel. Why couldn’t he feel this way with Laney? Fuck, he didn’t care. He had Roan in his arms. After his tongue had thoroughly explored deep into the recesses of that sweet mouth, Jake pulled back. “Oh God, that’s one of my dreams come true.”

  Roan laughed, soft and low, and then pressed his head against Jake’s shoulder, nuzzling against his neck. In a flash, Jake realized that in his entire life he’d never felt as much a man as he did at this moment with this beautiful creature cradled in his arms.

  Jake looked up to find both Tick Tock and Angie had crept back into the room and were openly staring with huge smiles on their faces. He blushed a little. “Sorry, didn’t mean to be rude.”

  The woman, who he now realized was a pretty brunette probably in her late thirties, said, “Making Roan happy is never rude.”

  That made him smile. He was glad Roan had people who cared about him. Despite his beauty and obvious success, the man had a vulnerability that made Jake want to take care of him.

  Roan pulled back a little from Jake’s embrace. “Okay, darlings, be off with you. Jake and I need some time alone to make lots of noise.” He looked up at Jake mischievously. “Will you still be here tomorrow?”

  Despite blushing, Jake played the game. “If you’re very good to me tonight.”

  “Love, I’d rather be very bad to you tonight.” He waved a hand at Tick Tock and Angie. “Go. Go. But come back tomorrow if you have time, and I’ll make something for an early dinner. Then you can get to know Jake.”

  “Mmm,” Tick Tock hummed. “I never miss a chance to eat your cooking.”

  Angie flashed a bright smile. “And I never miss a chance to spend time with a beautiful blond. See you two tomorrow. Have fun.”

  By this time, Jake was kissing Roan again.

  When he heard the door close, Jake slipped his hands over Roan’s ass and pulled him in tight. Actually, it didn’t take much of a squeeze to feel that massive cock pressing against his own erection. Oh, there were such advantages to being the same height. He rubbed for a minute, then reached between them and pulled down the zipper on Roan’s jeans. The model seemed to like going commando, so Jake was immediately rewarded with warm flesh, but he still had to dig his hand into the denim to extract the big swollen dick that was wedged against Roan’s thigh. Finally the cock was in his hand, and he began to stroke.

  Roan pulled back from the kiss. “Ready for a new experience, my straight boy?”

  “What?” Jake kept on pumping that rod that felt so good in his hand.

  Roan reached over, unbuttoned Jake’s jeans and pulled down the fly, then pulled both the jeans and boxer briefs down to Jake’s thighs so his cock sprang to attention. The brunet grabbed Jake’s cock and began to rub it against his own.

  Jake’s head fell back. “Oh shit.”

  “Good?” Roan had one long-fingered hand wrapped around both cocks now and was definitely working on making fire.

  “Can’t take it. Gotta sit down before I fall down.”

  “No.” Roan released both their cocks, and Jake moaned in disappointment. “Let’s go upstairs and get serious.”

  “Oh yeah.” Jake pulled his jeans up enough to walk, but the head of his cock was still sticking out of the top of his briefs. Roan’s huge penis was bobbing in front of him as the model led Jake up the stairs. The sight of it was driving Jake crazy. Who knew he could ever go so nuts for cock? “Wait.” He fell to his knees on the open-tread stairs, pulled off his glasses, since they were falling off, and sucked that cock into his mouth. Just as good as he remembered from his short taste in LA. A salty, loamy taste and the stretch of a big piece of meat in his mouth. Jake tried to remember all the things he liked when a girl went down on him. He licked in circles around the big plum head and then sucked, getting as much into his mouth as he could.

  “Oh shit, yeah.” Roan grabbed the stair rail and held on while he pumped his cock into Jake’s eager mouth.

  Jake wanted to feel him come, wanted to make him happy, but he could barely handle the mouthful. Sucking mindlessly, he adjusted to the silky sensation pressing toward his throat and waited to feel that salty fluid in his mouth.

  Roan grabbed his head. “Wait, love. I don’t want to come yet. Okay, baby? Want to come with you inside me.”

  Jake pulled his head back and thrilled with both anticipation and fear. He’d never fucked a man. Could he d
o it? Could he do it right?

  Roan read his mind. He pulled Jake to his feet and continued up the stairs, his big cock weeping precum. “Don’t worry, baby. I’ll show you. It’s easy with a gay man. Want you so bad.”

  They made it to his bedroom, a large, simply decorated, almost monkish room. The spread was already pulled off the bed, and the big expanse was covered with sparkling white sheets.

  Roan pulled him to the bed and pushed him down. “C’mon, let’s get cum all over these sheets. I don’t want to leave an inch dry.”

  Just the thought raised Jake’s hips off the bed as his body clenched with lust. Roan pulled the sagging jeans and briefs off Jake’s hips, and then his own followed. He ripped his T-shirt over his head, leaving him gloriously nude. Jake had seen this sight before, but never when he knew he had only to reach out his hand to touch it. He launched himself at Roan and began to kiss that alabaster skin.

  Roan laughed happily as he wrestled Jake’s shirt over his head, while Jake continued to finds ways to kiss his belly and chest. “Okay, baby, easy. Just lie back for a second.” Roan pressed him down on the crisp, cool sheets that were rapidly getting warmer. “Let me make you real hard.”

  “God, I can’t get any harder.”

  Roan licked Jake’s cockhead. “I want you crazy, straight boy. I want you dying for me.” And he lowered his head over Jake’s cock and began to suck.

  OMG. How could Roan’s mouth be better than he’d remembered? Hot, wet heaven. Jake cried wildly and pumped. “Oh shit, I won’t last if you keep doing that. Already crazy for you. Already—” And Roan popped his mouth off Jake’s straining cock and pulled a condom on him that he’d manifested from somewhere while Jake wasn’t paying attention. Then he grabbed a bottle from the side table, squirted a clear fluid into his hands, and began a slow, glorious massage of Jake’s sheathed cock with the lube. “Have you ever fucked a woman’s ass, Jake?” He kept massaging, so despite his anxiety, Jake was hard as steel and straining against Roan’s hands.

  He managed to gasp. “Once, but I wasn’t very good at it.”

  “You’ll be real good at this, love.”

  Still massaging Jake with one hand, Roan took some of the lube and pushed it into his own beautiful ass. Oh shit, this was really it.