Cataclysmic Shift Read online

Page 3

  Luke frowned. “What?”

  “Your questions. I don’t know any of the answers. I don’t know why I’m certain the dog prefers chicken, but if you feed him some, I’ll wager he likes it.” He smiled, flashing white, slightly crooked teeth with prominent canines.

  “That wasn’t my most important question.”

  The guy sighed loudly. “I know. But sadly, I can’t answer the rest of your questions either. I don’t know who I am, how I got here, or why.”

  “You have amnesia?” That only happened in movies.

  The boy wrinkled his nose, which was a gesture so adorable that it ought to be outlawed, along with his cock. “Not exactly. I have memories. I think…. Hmmm. I think my name is Alain. It’s just that my memories don’t fit together, and I do feel I’ve forgotten something of great importance.”

  “Do you know your last name?”

  The boy gazed into space. “Bellarose, I think. That name comes to my mind.”

  “What happened to your clothes, Alain Bellarose?”

  “I have no idea. I really am sorry to intrude on you like this. I woke up here, for lack of a better description, and didn’t know what to do, so I stayed. But if you could loan me something to wear, I’ll leave you in peace.”

  “Where will you go?”

  He turned his head slightly to the side. “This is New York City, isn’t it?”


  A brilliant smile lit up his face. “I’ve always wanted to go to the aquarium.”

  Luke just stared. This whole thing had to be a joke—or a dream of some kind, and he’d wake up soon. “But you need a place to stay.”

  The guy grinned. Those teeth again. “I’m sure I can find someplace.”

  Shitfire, no. Luke knew all about the kinds of places pretty boys could find to stay in New York. He had firsthand experience. “I’m going to call someone I know at the police department, okay? I’m going to ask if anyone has reported an Alain Bellarose missing.”

  Alain nodded. “That seems a good course of action. I think it’s very important that I remember who I am.”

  Luke knelt by Alain. Wow, he smelled good. Not like some lost street kid at all. “Stay still.” He ran his hands over the boy’s head. Okay, remain professional. Ignore the fact that his hair feels like silk.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Checking for head trauma. Does this hurt?” He pressed in on the sides and top of the guy’s head.

  “No. It feels rather good.”

  Ignore that. “Watch my finger but don’t move your head.” He moved his finger from left to right in front of those blue, blue eyes.

  Alain smiled but tracked perfectly.

  “Stay there a second.” He got up and went to the drawer. Did he have an oral thermometer? No way in hell was he shoving one in that kid’s butt. That was too much to ask of his libido. He searched through the drawer and found an ear thermometer. That should do it.

  He squatted beside Alain and applied the device to the pinna of the kid’s ear. Beep. Perfectly normal. “Do you think you might have taken a blow to the head? Maybe a bad fall?”

  Alain frowned. “Perhaps a fall, but I don’t remember hitting my head.” The crease between his eyebrows got deeper, then vanished as dimples appeared in his cheeks. “No, I’m certain I did not hit my head.”

  “Maybe we should get you an MRI, just in case.”


  “Magnetic resonance imaging. It looks inside your head.”

  “That sounds uniquely interesting, but unless it can see my memories, it will be of no use.”

  Luke stared at that practically perfect face. “You have a funny way of phrasing. Do you think you might be from another country?”

  “Hmmm. Yes and no.”

  What the hell did that mean? He stood up. “Have you had anything to eat?”

  Alain shook his head. “No. I found the cat and dog treats not appetizing.”

  “You tried them?”

  “Yes. I thought I might like them.” He reached up and scratched the kitten under its chin. “So you care for animals here?”

  “Yes, I’m a vet.”

  The guy looked a little blank, but he smiled. “Taking care of animals must be a wonderful profession. I think I took care of animals once.” He cocked his head. “Or knew a great deal about them.”

  “Well, there’s a clue. Stay here. I’ll try to find you something to wear. I have some appointments this morning, but then we can feed you, and I’ll call the police.”

  Alain leaned back against the wall, and the animals gathered round him. “Thank you.”

  “By the way, there’s food for the animals in that bottom cabinet if you want to feed them. They all need breakfast.”

  Alain patted the big Rottweiler. “He’s injured. Does he get special food?”

  “How do you know that?”

  The guy shrugged.

  “No. He’s a big eater. So give him regular big-dog food. Just not too much.”

  Alain smiled and petted the dog. The dog who had never liked anybody except his owner and Luke. Until now.

  Luke shook his head and left the boarding room, closing the door behind him. This felt like never-never land. He’d gone to the second star to the right. Who was this guy? Except for the name Alain, the man didn’t know who he was, and yet he didn’t seem afraid. Maybe he was just plain nuts or too simpleminded to understand he should be scared. But that didn’t make sense either. The kid seemed bright and clearly amazing with animals. Luke knew what it was like to be young and alone. Alain might appear self-assured, but he was prey for the scum of the earth.

  Luke walked into his small office at the back. In a drawer, he had some extra clothes he kept for when the animals crapped on him. He was taller than Alain, but if he rolled up the pant legs, they might fit. No underwear. Hell, the thought of that guy commando in Luke’s jeans about sent him over the edge. The kid was so unselfconsciously sexy. He knew he shouldn’t go out undressed, but it only seemed to affect him because it was a rule. Not because he was modest at all.

  Luke grabbed a pair of denims and a sweatshirt he’d managed to shrink in hot water. That might fit and—

  “Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Oh God, get away from me.”

  Luke ran at full speed into the hall, in time to see Madeline tearing out of the boarding room. Shit. When had she come in?

  “Madeline. Wait. Wait.”

  After a short sprint down the hall, he got to the waiting room as six-foot-one-inch Madeline grabbed for the phone.

  He pulled the handset from her. “Wait. Just calm down.”

  She looked at him with huge brown eyes. “D-do you know that there’s a naked man in with the animals? I’ve got to call the cops.”

  “Yes, I know, and I’ll be calling the cops soon, but to try to find out who he is. He wandered in here somehow, and he has amnesia.”

  She frowned. “You’re kidding. That only happens in movies.”

  He sighed. “My thoughts exactly. But it seems he really doesn’t know who he is.”

  She put two big fists on her narrow hips. “And his clothing also appears to have amnesia, since it doesn’t seem to have any identity at all.”

  Luke motioned to a chair in the lobby. “Sit.”

  Madeline walked over stiffly and sat with her knees together properly.

  Luke shook his head. “Madeline, for someone who spent half her life as a man, you sure as hell can be prim.”

  She crossed her arms over her wide chest and small bosom. “Hmmft.”

  “Seriously, did you get a look at that guy? Man or woman, you can’t seriously want him to put his clothes on.”

  She looked at him with her mouth open; then she started to laugh. “Okay, I got a peek. She-it, did you see those balls?” She laughed some more. “But I really was scared.”

  Luke sat beside her. “Yeah, I know. Just because you and me together outweigh him by a hundred and fifty pounds doesn’t mean he didn’t hide an
AK-47 in his hair.”

  She smacked his shoulder. “Seriously, the kid has amnesia?”

  “It appears so. I’m going to call someone I know at the police station and see if they can find out anything about him.”

  “And if not, what then?”

  That was the question. Hell, he couldn’t let that boy run around loose on the streets of New York. He’d be fresh meat. “We’ll cross that bridge, as they say. Meanwhile, I’ll go see if I can get his tushy covered.”

  “Pinch it for me.” She winked.

  “That’s my girl. Will you take over with Mrs. Walitzer when she comes in? Remember to show Mortimer the proper respect.”

  “Will do, boss. Let me know what happens with the tush.”

  “His name’s Alain.”

  “I thought you said he has amnesia.”

  Luke shrugged. “Apparently it’s selective.”

  He walked back to the boarding room. The door had been closed again after Madeline’s exit. It seemed Alain was now making a little effort not to flash the public.

  Luke opened the door. Wrong. Facing him was a pert and very bare butt with cheeks agape, giving a peek at a rosy hole and a pair of bouncing balls hanging low between spread legs as Alain dug through a lower cabinet. Luke felt light-headed. Shitfire, this was too much to ask of a healthy gay man.

  Luke cleared his throat. “Did you find what you were looking for?”

  Alain turned as if he hadn’t just transformed Luke to stone. “No, actually. I was looking for something that would appeal to Amelia.”


  He pointed at the gray-and-white kitten on his shoulder. “Amelia.”

  “You named her?”

  “No, that’s her name.”

  “Who says?”

  “She does, I suppose.”

  Maybe that theory about insanity was close to the mark. Luke shook his head. “I haven’t been able to find much of anything the little critter will eat. She’s feral, and somebody dropped her here at our door and took off. She’s pretty young. We’ve tried all kinds of formula, but she rejects it. I’m hoping if she gets hungry enough, she’ll start to eat.”

  Alain petted the kitten’s head. “Oh, she’s very hungry. Perhaps we could go to a store?” The boy’s huge blue eyes and the kitten’s amber ones stared at Luke.

  “Sure.” He held out the clothing. “Put these on. What size shoes do you wear?”

  “I have no idea.”

  “I’ve got some flip-flops that will work until we find something that fits.”

  “That’s very kind of you.”

  Alain handed the kitten to Luke. She turned in his hand so she could watch Alain. Hell, cat, I know just how you feel. The kid pulled on the jeans, his lean, muscled thighs and big cock disappearing inch by inch. As predicted, the pants were big and sat low on his hips, and the cuffs dragged on the floor. He ignored the lack of fit and pulled on the sweatshirt, which was close to his size.

  Luke put the kitten on his own shoulder and knelt beside Alain. “Let’s roll these up so you don’t trip on them.”

  Alain smiled down at him. “Thank you, kind sir.”

  Luke gazed up into those blue eyes. Don’t even think about all the other things you could do in this position. He started rolling the denim. He had to get his mind out of the gutter. This was a helpless young guy, and here was Luke, perving on him. That wasn’t even funny. He ought to know.

  “I’ll call the police first, and then we’ll go shopping and eat, okay?”

  Alain nodded and turned toward the animals. The jeans dipped below his butt crack. Jesus, that might be sexier than nude. A belt was required.

  Watching Alain with the dogs and cats was like seeing a creature totally at home. The animals loved him, but in a different way than they loved Luke. They treated Alain like a peer or something.

  “I’ll be right back. I’m going to call the police.”

  Alain smiled and petted the kitten. Whew, what a charmer.

  Luke walked out of the boarding room and down the hall to his office. After pulling the door nearly closed, he dialed.

  That familiar deep voice answered. “Ruben.”

  God, he got the willies up his back. “Hi. This is Laser.”

  “Well, hi, baby. It’s been too long. Are you doing well?”

  “I’m great, thanks to you.” He smiled. Ruben had been his downfall and his rise again. The big cop had seen him in a club entertaining one of Nicky’s customers. Instead of arresting him, he’d signed up as a client. Called Luke “irresistible.”

  “My pleasure. You want to come back and see old Ruben, I hope?” A chuckle rippled through the phone.

  “You know that would undo a lot of good, right?” Luke could never forget that it had been Ruben’s money and recommendation that had gotten him into vet school.

  Ruben sighed dramatically. “I know, but you can’t blame a guy for wishing you fell off the wagon.” He laughed again. “So why did you call me, sweet baby?”

  “I am twenty-six these days. Fully grown.”

  “You’ll always be my sweet baby no matter how educated and successful you get.”

  “Hardly successful, Ruben. Just a beginner.”

  “You’re doing great, kid. I’m proud of what my money accomplished. So what’s up?”

  “I need you to check a missing person for me.”

  “Interesting. You lose someone?”

  “More like found.”

  “Even more interesting.”

  “The name is Alain Bellarose.”

  “That’s distinctive. I think anyone would remember it if they ever heard it. I’ll check.”

  “If the name doesn’t come up, check for missing white males about twenty-one or twenty-two. Black hair, blue eyes. About five foot ten with a slender build.”

  Another laugh. “Sounds like someone I’d like to meet.”

  “You nasty boy.” Alain’s radiant eyes flashed in his mind. “But you have no idea.”

  “I’ll check. I can get you on this number?”

  “Yes. And thank you, Ruben.”

  “Always a pleasure, baby boy.”

  Luke clicked off.

  Not his favorite trip down memory lane, but he was ultimately grateful to Ruben.

  He slipped the phone back in his pants, grabbed a belt from the old jeans he kept on the back of the door, and walked to the boarding room. Alain sat on the floor with his arms around two dogs. He looked up and smiled. Luke handed him the belt.

  “Okay, hold your pants up, and then we’ll buy some clothes, some cat food, and Alain food.”

  Alain stood and looped the belt around his slender waist. He fastened it two holes past where Luke wore it, and Luke was pretty lean. He extended his arms to either side. “Voilà. Does your friend think he can help?”

  “He’s going to try.”

  “I do hope he’s successful. I’ve left something undone.” He put the kitten on his shoulder.

  “You’re not bringing the cat, are you?”

  Alain’s big eyes got wide again. “But how else will I know which food she wants unless I ask her?”

  Yep, insanity was a definite option. But shitfire, he was cute.

  Chapter Four

  THUNDER RUMBLED above the apartment. The thunder matched the lightning flashing up Killian’s spine every time Blaine’s cock hit his prostate. “Gods, darling, don’t stop. I’m so close.”

  “Never gonna stop. Going to fuck you till we can’t stand up.”

  Oh, the man could fuck. Blaine’s hard, lean chest pressed against Killian’s back as he pounded his dick into Killian. Killian looked over his shoulder at his husband’s handsome face. “Do it, darling. Oh gods.”

  Lightning crashed, and Blaine laughed. He always loved it when Killian lost control and brought the thunder and lightning. He called it “Killian’s Symphony.” “Shiiiiit. Darling.”

  Blaine grabbed Killian’s cock and started pumping. Oh, good. Good. Killian slammed back
on that hot dick, arching his back like a cat. Cat! Hells, he’d think about that in a minute.

  Slap, slap. Blaine’s hips banged against Killian’s ass, and his cock reached all the way to Killian’s heart. How could anyone love a man so much?

  Close. Closer. Killian’s balls tightened into raisins and squeezed the juice out. “Gods!” Jet one splashed on the white sheet. Then pulse after pulse of cum poured out of him, until all he heard was thunder rumbling through his head. Behind his eyes everything went black, then lit up with white, blazing light.

  “Ohhhh, baby.” Blaine’s hips froze against Killian’s ass, then stuttered in little rabbit fucks. He loved it.

  “Going down.” Killian flopped to the bed, with Blaine riding the fall.

  They practiced breathing.

  Blaine started to chuckle. “Whew. When you suggest a nooner, you don’t mess around, baby.” He rolled to the side and gathered Killian into his arms.

  “My job must have turned me on.”

  “Oh? Teaching a hundred undergrads about witches drowning and burning at the stake has a stimulating effect on you?”

  “No. Thinking about you over there in the next building, sauntering around in your tight jeans while all those cute girls pretend they want to learn quantum physics when what they really want is your ass, and I can’t blame them at all. That’s what turns me on.”

  “I love you, my bad boy.”

  Killian grinned. “Bad witch, please.”

  “No, you’re a very good witch but a very bad boy. Thank God we live in a commercial district so our neighbors aren’t constantly complaining to the meteorologists about not predicting the lightning! Of course, all the shopkeepers had to figure it out today.”

  Killian snuggled in closer to Blaine. “Darling, are you still worried about Aloysius?”

  “Very. You too?”

  Killian sighed. “I’m trying not to be. I’m sure he’s just off on another adventure, but it’s not like him to worry us. I keep thinking I should cast a location spell to see if I can find him.”

  Blaine raised his head. “You can do that?”

  “Probably. Al’s so powerful, he could mask his tracks, but I don’t know why he’d do that.”